
Showing posts from January, 2014


Did you know that there is a South-Eastern University? Please don’t ask me where that is, I have no idea! Last week found me bumming in my   favourite   town, Nyeri. Much to my chagrin, the town was awash with folks we generally refer to as the academia. Over 30 universities, university colleges, and wannabes had descended on the town for “universities exhibitions” at the Green Hills Hotel. Every hotel, nook, and cranny was booked to the brim. Even the out-of-reach-for-ordinary-folk Out Span was fully booked. Good thing I have some connections there; what should have been a curse was a blessing in disguise. The Tree Tops Lodge and Out Span Hotel are owned by the same proprietor. Sometimes when Out Span is fully booked and the gods of luck are smiling your way, you may just be transferred for an overnight stay to the most famous treehouse in the world - the Tree Tops. So there I was bound for the historical and culturally rich Tree Tops courtesy of the meddling academia. I still h