Upon this salty pan, I shall raise a people…

A month or two ago, an invitation came through my employer, to join like-minded companies at a Corporate Social Responsibility outreach down in Magadi. I pestered my colleagues and bosses at the office and pretty soon, there was a mountain of goodies to be distributed to the needy girl child in the neighborhood of Magadi Township. Saturday the 15 th of September was the date chosen to play Santa Claus. So, my crew and I saddled up our reindeer and off we went... Ho! Ho! Ho! For the kids of Ol Kejuado County, Christmas comes early! There are two ways to get to Magadi. One, take the train - those old rusty last century wagons that we inherited from the colonial era; The only other approach to Magadi is a thin tarmac road with frightening hairpins that winds its way down the self of the rift valley escarpment. So thin you will get a heart attack when you see an approaching truck. If I had a choice, I wouldn't ever go anywhere past Olepolos. However, my eyes (and my mouth)...