One of the more captivating legends to come out of Ethiopia is the story of Queen Sheba and her sojourn to Jerusalem. Ethiopian folklore tells of the beautiful Nubian Queen Sheba who journeyed hundreds of miles through desert and jungle to the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem for a date with King Solomon, the wisest man alive at the time. Never mind that the wise King had a harem of 300 concubines and 700 wives... Current statistical models point to a serious affliction of satyriasis and perhaps "the clap" (tongue in cheek!) on the part of the King. It is also safe to assume that before departing for Jerusalem, our impressionable Queen must have received some intelligence briefing on the little detail of the King's addiction. Regardless, our enchanted Queen, hell-bent on harvesting some holy seed, would not be deterred by such superficial details. (See, this insane syndrome of "good-girl-falling-for-bad-boy" is old news, no?). The story has a happy ending...