
Showing posts from December, 2020


  In an alternative universe, Elon Musk and I are lounging at the (milk) bar after a long day...   I can see his brain is gearing up for some mischief, as his face drops all emotion and mutates to that blank 'far-far-away-look'.   "I don't just get this Theory of Evolution. Honestly, it's somewhat of a stretch", he chimes after a heavy eerie silence.   "How so?", I ask absentmindedly.   "See, like most things in nature, shouldn't Evolution take the Path of Least Resistance?"   "The (human) body is kedo 90% water; sindio? To generate energy, the easier evolutionary process should have been to split the H2O molecule into Oxygen and Hydrogen, yes?"   "But noooo, Evolution doesn't do easy... Sijui aerobic respiration, mara tena anaerobic kosokoso."   "Imagine hydrogen-powered bodies.  Explosive!" "Eish, I can't!".  With that, he sums up his deranged th


  Lokki Haus Mudanya has got me thinking; Of a time before history.   Before the Tower of Babel. Yes, before Moses could hold a pen,   Centuries before Language, Before words were invented.   Further, deeper in the bowels of antiquity; Before Sign/Body Language became a thing.   Humans - we were still social beings, no? How did we communicate?   You know, that thing we do to transmit our thoughts? Elicit some reaction from our neighbours?   I'm trying to learn from our canine friends; Canis lupus (familiaris) here, is really trying to say something...   Spooky guy, staring at me blankly, wagging his tail like crazy. Sorry buddy, I don't speak Spitz, not even Japanese.   Now what? Chemical signals, perhaps?


  Friends,   Please allow me to express my deepest gratitude for all the warm birthday wishes. Thank you, fam; much appreciated.   You’ll agree with me, that the year 2020, has been as treacherous as they come. The COVID-19 pandemic made it all the worst; many of us lost dear friends & family.   For those of us lucky to be alive today, let our hearts be filled with humble gratitude; Let us acknowledge the enduring mercies of the Almighty Were Khakaba (aka. Nyasaye)!   In the words of the Desiderata…   “Take kindly the counsel of the years; Gracefully surrendering the things of youth.”   So, if you should miss me at my regular watering hole, Fret not, the social animal is alive & well; a year older, calmer, wiser.   I have carefully considered my battles; my sweat nurtures my passions. Trust me, head-splitting hangovers are not on the list.   In a world bursting with a cacophony of sniffy posturing, The comforting peace of a few genuine friends is, to say the least, priceless.